BizPaL+ is designed to help natural resource businesses identify permits, licences and other regulatory requirements from all levels of government, using a web-based, interactive toolkit.
BizPaL – Business Permits and Licences
BizPaL helps you:
BizPaL is available 24/7, whenever you need it. BizPaL uses a Q&A wizard to help you generate a personalized list of the documents your business needs. Within a few minutes, users can acquire a list of necessary permits, licences and other regulatory requirements from all levels of government. BizPaL is there to help navigate government requirements, and, to help you follow it up, also provides contact information and links to online application forms (if available).
BizPaL steers users through a simple, four-step process:
NRCan is working to improve and expand the service to all regions in Canada and all natural resource activities. Currently NRCan is collaborating further with the governments of British Columbia, the Yukon, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba. Please check back often for new content.
In 2006, Natural Resources Canada joined Industry Canada, Front Counter BC's Natural Resource Opportunities Centre, the Government of the Yukon and the BizPaL partnership to expand the services offered to natural resource businesses, given our commitment to the sustainable development of Canada's energy, forest, minerals and metals resources. BizPaL is based on identifying activities that are typical for a type of business. BizPaL+ is a pilot project to expand the existing service to help natural resource businesses by providing information on other kinds of approvals and government requirements, and providing useful links to related information, such as best practice documents.
This pilot project was for demonstration purposes: the toolkit for natural resource businesses is currently developed only for wind power development and mineral exploration in British Columbia, and mineral exploration in the Yukon.
This web-based tool is available to the public from the websites of participating jurisdictions. It takes a ‘no wrong door' approach, allowing people to find the information they need from the relevant local, provincial, territorial, or federal government.
BizPaL+ is intended to save businesses time and money by simplifying the process of identifying what governments require of them. BizPaL+ will increase awareness about resources to help obtain required approvals and to comply with regulations. It is also a support for governments, to help deliver integrated information, improve client satisfaction, and identify opportunities for regulatory improvements. And finally, better compliance with regulations will make a better natural resource environment for all Canadians: it is sustainable development in action.