NRCan Organizational Acronyms

Organization Acronyms starting with: G

Within the table below, the organizational acronym is identified at left and defined at right. The organizational structure under which this is located is displayed just below the definition.

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Acronym    Organization
GAD Geodetic Analysis and Development;
Canadian Geodetic Survey;
Surveyor General Branch - Geomatics Canada
GC-SGB Surveyor General Branch - Geomatics Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector;
Deputy Minister's Office
GCPRG Grants & Contributions Policy and Revenue Generation;
Finance and Procurement Branch;
Corporate Management and Services Sector
GCU Grants and Contributions Unit;
Finance and Procurement Services
GDD Geo-Data Dissemination;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GEM-COORD GEM Coordination Office;
GSC-Northern Canada;
Geological Survey of Canada
GEO Geodynamics;
Sidney Subdivision;
GSC Pacific
GEO Geophysics;
Science Subdivision;
GSC Calgary
GEO-DATA Geo-Data;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GEO-INT Geo-Integration;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GEOAN-EG GeoAnalytics & Emergency Geomatics Services;
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation;
Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation;
Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
GeoProducts and Services;
GFP Green Freight Programming;
Fuel Diversification Division;
Clean Fuels Branch
GGS Greening Government Services;
Buildings Division;
Office of Energy Efficiency
GHD Greener Homes Division;
Office of Energy Efficiency;
Energy Efficiency and Technology Sector
GHS Gravity & Height Systems;
Geodetic Analysis and Development;
Canadian Geodetic Survey
GHSSP Greener Homes IM/IT Strategy & Support Projects;
IM/IT Policy & Programs Division;
Office of Energy Efficiency
GI Geoinformatics;
GSC Calgary;
Geological Survey of Canada
GI Geo-Information;
GSC Quebec;
Geological Survey of Canada
GIAS Geoscience Integration and Analysis Section;
GSC-Central Canada;
Geological Survey of Canada
GIM GIS Information Management;
GSC Calgary
GISPS GIS Production Services;
GSC Calgary
GLFC Great Lakes Forestry Centre;
Canadian Forest Service;
Deputy Minister's Office
GM Groundwater and Minerals;
GSC Quebec;
Geological Survey of Canada
GMI Green Mining Innovation;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GNBCS Geographical Names Board of Canada Secretariat;
Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GPS GeoProducts and Services;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GRD Governance and Reporting Division;
Planning and Operations Branch;
Corporate Management and Services Sector
GSBD Ground Segment Business Development;
Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GSC Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector;
Deputy Minister's Office
GSC-ATL GSC Atlantic;
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GSC-CAL GSC Calgary;
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GSC-CC GSC-Central Canada;
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GSC-NC GSC-Northern Canada;
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GSC-PAC GSC Pacific;
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
Geological Survey of Canada;
Lands and Minerals Sector
GSDI Ground Segment and Data Infrastructure;
Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure;
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
GSFBC Gasification/FBC Team;
Clean Fossil Fuels;
GSI Geodetic Systems and Infrastructures;
Canadian Geodetic Survey;
Surveyor General Branch - Geomatics Canada
GSL Geochemistry & Sedimentology Labs;
Regional Geology & Geochemistry;
GSC-Northern Canada
GTP Global Trade Policy Division;
International and Intergovernmental Affairs;
Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
GVN Governance Division;
Audit and Evaluation Branch;
Deputy Minister's Office

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