NRCan Organizational Acronyms

Organization Acronyms starting with: L

Within the table below, the organizational acronym is identified at left and defined at right. The organizational structure under which this is located is displayed just below the definition.

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Acronym    Organization
LEAF Lighting, Electronics, Appliances & Fenestration;
Housing Technology Strategies & Regulations;
Homes & Communities Division
LEEP Local Energy and Efficiency Partnerships;
Buildings and Renewables Group;
LFC Laurentian Forestry Centre;
Canadian Forest Service;
Deputy Minister's Office
LINE3 Indigenous Advisory Monitoring Committee - Line 3;
Partnerships and Engagement;
LLTD Learning, Leadership and Talent Development;
Executive Leadership and People Development;
Human Resources Branch
LM Landscape Management;
Forest Information;
Pacific Forestry Centre
LM Landscape Management;
Social Science, Systems and National Programs;
Northern Forestry Centre
LMS Office of the SFA, Lands and Minerals Sector;
Financial Renewal and Capacity Building;
Finance and Procurement Branch
LMS Lands and Minerals Sector;
Deputy Minister's Office;
Natural Resources Canada
LRPC Legislative & Regulatory Policy & Coordination;
Demand Policy and Analysis;
Office of Energy Efficiency
LS Laboratory Services;
GSC Calgary;
Geological Survey of Canada
LS Legal Services;
Deputy Minister's Office;
Natural Resources Canada
LS Library Services;
Information Management Division;
Chief Information Officer Branch

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